adrenal fatigue patient
State/Province Virginia


Insomnia, Brain Fog, Anxiety, Low stress tolerance, Digestive issues, Food allergies, Frequently sick, Environmental sensitivity
The medical doctors gave me drugs that were meant to treat symptoms, not the cause and hurt me and made me even sicker.
It was almost 30 years ago when I started getting very sick. I went to several doctors over the years and they all took blood and ran tests that they said showed within the normal range. I was experiencing many hypothyroid symptoms, but they all said the blood test showed normal. They never offered to check any hormone levels. The medical doctors gave me drugs that were meant to treat symptoms not the cause and hurt me and made me even sicker. They all suggested that I go see a psychiatrist as they thought it must be a mental issue since they could not find anything wrong. The doctors tried antidepressants and lithium just in case I was bipolar which made me sicker and I had no warning. I suffered spontaneous vomiting and diarrhea from those and could hardly stand up. My severe heat sensitivity began after one of these doctors gave me prednisone that hurt me so badly that it turned my world upside down again. It caused me to have another nervous breakdown which I again had to fight through with no help because I could still not tolerate any medications.
I cried when I first heard Dr. Neville’s kind voice telling me that he knew and understood what I was going through because he too had suffered the same illness and had experienced some of the same symptoms.
My illness and symptoms progressed and worsened over the years. For a lot of wasted years I researched about the mind and mental illness because that is the path all the doctors led me onto. I finally started searching about the body and how it worked and health in general from desperation after finding no help within mental health research. This led me to the discovery of adrenal and thyroid issues and what symptoms could be caused by their deficiency. Every symptom I had been experiencing was on that list of symptoms! I did not give up and continued my research and I was finally lucky enough to find Dr. Andrew Neville’s website. After reading the entire website and testimonials I gave another doctor a chance and I am so glad that I did! I cried when I first heard Dr. Neville’s kind voice telling me that he knew and understood what I was going through because he too had suffered the same illness and had experienced some of the same symptoms. He told me there was hope and I could get better with proper care and time.
For the first time in over five years I left my home!
In a short few months with Dr. Neville’s care and recommendations I have seen improvement for the first time in my life and have gotten some quality of life back. For the first time in over five years I left my home! I went to see a movie and I tolerated the exhaust fumes on the highway and the people with fragrance, and I enjoyed a theater popcorn and a Pepsi! I know that popcorn and Pepsi is not on my good food list, but Dr. Neville says it is okay to cheat once and awhile. I did not go into fight or flight and did not have any bad repercussions during or after. If you have any of the same symptoms as I do, and you have not been able to find any help from mainstream doctors, and have been told it must be all in your head you should take the time to read all about Dr. Neville, and read the testimonials and watch the videos. He had the same issues and healed himself and has healed countless others over the years. If you are willing to listen to him and follow his directions and do the work you can feel better. I am not 100% correct in all things that I do and Dr. Neville says that is okay, don’t stress over it. You will not be sorry you gave him a chance.

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