Age 45
Occupation Sales manager
State/Province ATLANTA, GA


Insomnia, Unexplained weight gain, Unexplained weight loss, Exhaustion, Anxiety, Low stress tolerance, Digestive issues, Food allergies, Skin Conditions, Environmental sensitivity
I lost all my energy and had to go to the emergency room because I felt like I was dying.
The first symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue were unexplained weight loss, recurring bacterial infections, followed by a hiatal hernia and blood sugar issues. My life was turned upside down when I had my first adrenal crash. I lost all my energy and had to go to the emergency room because I felt like I was dying. I started having all sorts of blood sugar issues after that ,followed by 2-3 more crashes where I was bedridden.
It wasn’t until I found Dr. Neville that I began to have hope that maybe I could recover one day.
The biggest parts of my life I wanted back were related to healthy blood sugar issues. I used to have to eat constantly, even in the middle of the night. I wanted back my mental peace. I had racing thoughts daily, as well as a low tolerance for stress and working out.
In general, I sing and whistle a little more, which tells me I am having moments where life is enjoyable again.
At times I have felt hopeless, but Dr. Neville has helped describe the condition in a way that allows me to get through the worst times. My best description to my improvement is “slow and steady.” I understand why symptoms are happening now, and I don’t have the over reaction that I used to have. In general, I sing and whistle a little more, which tells me I am having moments where life is enjoyable again, instead of a 24-hour health-monitoring lockdown. […] Dr. Neville has described my healing situation, and I am patient: It took 5-10 years of stress to wear my body down, and it may take some time to recover and start healing.

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